Amerisong FAQs

What songs do you perform?

We perform traditional patriotic, military, and other select pieces. Our repertoire is intentionally limited so as to be easily learned and participatory.

How demanding is participation?

It is not; there is no obligation whatsoever. Our members participate on an as/if available basis. You might attend a monthly choral practice. Your local group might perform a concert, or sing or march at a July 4th or Veteran's Day event. When the family of a deceased veteran requests a tribute at a funeral service, members of your local group may be asked to attend and sing. Preceding an event or funeral, there may be an extra practice.


Is there any commitment?

No. Amerisong is intended to be welcoming, and flexible. Members participate only when and if they are available. Special practices may be mandatory preceding particular events. But your inability to attend them only precludes you from participating in that particular event; not from subsequent ones. We ask only that you show for events or gigs you have agreed to attend.


Are there any standards or protocols?

Participation requires that you be polite, friendly, honorable, and aware that you are representing a group honoring our country and those who have served it. Whether in practices or at events members are required to uphold high personal and community standards. While representing Amerisong, we ask that you not smoke, drink alcohol, or swear.  We will look to our former military advisors for additional recommendations and our protocols may be subject to change.


How much does it cost to join?

There is no cost to join.  The cost to participate is limited to that of the common attire worn by your local group, as well as your travel-related expenses on event days.