Join Amerisong and become a Choral Reservist, the term we use for all of our members, as you get "called up to serve" when there is a funeral or gig to attend in your area. There are just three steps - 1. complete the sign-up form, 2. submit a sample of your singing, 3. (if accepted) receive an invitation from us to join.


1. Complete this sign-up form:

2. Please download or sing along with each of these three songs (for the Star Spangled Banner, use the key in which you are most comfortable singing).  Next submit your three sample recordings to us in mp3 or m4a formats.  Please send them to

3. Following our review, we will send a note to you indicating whether you have been accepted or not.  Please be reminded that our judging is lenient, but you do need to demonstrate that you are able to carry a tune.


Thank you for your interest and planned participation.